Fenics Market Data (FMD) is the exclusive distributor of data for BGC Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: BGC) and its affiliates, a global brokerage group serving the financial markets through brands such as BGC, GFI, RP Martin, Continental Capital Markets, Amerex, Aurel, Sunrise, Remate, Radix, Trident, BGC Liquidez, Poten & Partners, Ginga, and Perimeter Markets. Fenics Market Data also serves as the exclusive distributor of FMX Exchange Data and is a leading provider of global financial and commodities market data.

• Leading 24 hours a day, Monday to Friday
• Elite team of quantitative analysts, data scientists, and data engineers
• Streaming, intra-day, end-of-day, historical delivery of market data with versatile delivery methods
Comprehensive global multi-asset data coverage

- Foreign Exchange and Money Markets: Spot, Forwards, NDFs, Implied Yields, Repurchase Agreements, FX Options
- Rates: IRS, Basis Swaps, Cross Currency Swaps, Overnight Index Swaps, FRAs, Non-deliverable Swaps, Butterflies, Forward Starting Swaps, Spreads , Alternative Reference Rates, Futures
- Interest Rate Options: Swaptions, Caps/Floors, Constant Maturity Swaps
- Inflation: Fixing Seasonal Swaps, Inflation Options, Inflation Swaps
- Fixed Income: Government Bonds, Emerging Markets Bonds, Corporate Credit Bonds, Credit Default Swaps, Futures
- Energy & Commodities: Coal, Freight, Gas, LNG, Power, US Power & Gas Options, Iron Ore, Precious Metals, Precious Metals Options, Base Metals Options
- Equity Derivatives: Index Options